Yesterday I had to visit Urgent Care and get a blood blister under my right second toenail lanced. I'm in danger of losing the toenail.
Don't worry, it's not life threatening. Just gross. Turns out, probably because I do a lot of downhill running (can't be avoided where I live), my second toes are rubbing up against my shoes. Doc said it's a common thing among runners, but it's usually the big toe that's affected. In my case, my second toes are freakishly longer than my big toes so they are taking the beating (thanks for the mutant genes, Mom). Doc advised filing down the toenails and taping them before running to keep them from sticking up as much. He also advised trying shoes that are longer. I've been thinking about getting new shoes anyway. Maybe monkey feet. More on that later.
Unexpectedly, I kind of enjoyed my doctor's visit. He was chatty and asked if I am a "serious runner." I hesitated a moment, but then confidently answered, "yes I am. I'm training for a triathlon." He seemed impressed, although a little less so when he realized I'm not an Ironman. (Are you familiar with the Ironman Triathlon? It's for crazy people. The race is a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and a full 26 mile marathon all completed back to back with no break. I told you, cray-zee. The event I plan on doing is a .47 mile swim, 12 mile bike ride, and 3.1 mile run. Sane.) Turns out he and his kids run too so he was telling me about some fun events in our state. I felt a full-fledged member of the Runner's Brotherhood or, er, Sisterhood. Personhood? Anyway, I'm proud to feel like an athlete.
So I have to wear a bandaid for a few days. I'm trying to be brave. If I do lose the toenail it's supposed to come back. In 4-6 months. Thank goodness boot weather is almost here.
S's second toe is freakishly longer than her big toe also. It looks like ETs finger.
You don't have that? I got the gap teeth from mom too. I guess the trade off is the hair. I thank her everyday for that.
Sales people at running stores are great. I'll never buy sports shoes from anywhere other than a running store again. They watch how you walk and ask you what sport your doing in them. They also advise to wear a shoe that's at least one size bigger than you normally wear because your feet swell when you exercise. When I put on my old "right size" tennis shoes, my toes feel all squished now.
Oh, and they also have all of the lube and goo and fancy socks that are important for runners.
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