Follow along as I, an average citizen, train for my first ever triathlon.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Gobble Gobble GACK!

Like the tasty birds that give their lives for our nourishment, my Turkey Trot was sacrificed this year.

During a record cold snap our furnace died.

The day before Thanksgiving.

It's all good now, but it was chaos for 24 hours and in all the craziness the Turkey Trot was chopped.  However, I'm not disappointed because some truly awful weather accompanied that cold snap.  Before discovering our furnace was kaput I had already decided not to take a chance driving up and down the hilly winding roads to get to and from the race when snow and freezing rain where predicted nor did I want to risk injury slipping on ice.  One of my life goals is to never spend a holiday in the ER.

So no Turkey Trot this year, but I did exercise over the weekend and ran a 5k yesterday.  It was freezing and my time sucked.  I guess all the rich food is catching up with me.  Oh well, tis the season.

In honor of the holiday here's some things I'm thankful for as an athlete:
  • Wide waist bands in workout pants.
  • Electrolyte jelly beans.
  • My iPod.
  • My supportive and enthusiastic blog followers.
  • My understanding husband who never hardly ever complains about the time I spend training. (Love you, hon!)
  • My darling boys who give me a reason to take care of myself.
How about you?  What are you thankful for?


Monday, November 22, 2010

Earning Turkey

I registered to run a 5k on Thanksgiving morning.  Hey, it was a good way to get me out of cooking duties.  Besides, after the 10k, 5k seems like small potatoes (Thanksgiving feast pun intended), but I know the area where the course is and it's crazy hilly so I could be in for a challenge.  I kinda hope so.  Bring it on, Motherf@&$ers!  My goal is to run it in under 27 minutes since my last 5k time back in April was 27:38 (or something like that).

Next goal: half marathon (13 miles)!


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pants Photo

Um, yeah, about that....

I should have taken the photo last month when I wore the pants to a friend's birthday bash.  They looked great then, but (and it's a big butt) I started that part-time job and slacked off on the working out.  Unfortunately, I neglected to adjust my high caloric intake to match my new routine and after Halloween and my birthday... well I'm finding the pants are once again a tight squeeze.  Whatever.  I'm really not stressing about it.  I realized I'm experiencing a pendulum effect; that is I'm bouncing back and forth between two extremes, but eventually I'll settle somewhere in the middle.  And I'm certainly not going to worry too much about dieting this time of year.  I am going to start exercising more though.  To the Y!


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Why I Didn't Post Last Week

It's a mystery on scale with the abandoned car mat.  I DID publish last week, but when I logged in today to view my blog, not only is the most current post not there, but what's saved in my drafts folder is the first version, not the finished post I spent a good hour re-working.  I have no idea what happened, but I'm frustrated. I'll eventually re-post, but I need some distance first.



It's Good to be Me

Note: This is the post that didn't post....

I've been working on this for over two weeks.  I started a part-time job assisting a CAbi consultant (Best.  Job.  Ever.)  and dumped the shows on top of my already busy schedule.  Plus my laptop was in the shop and my computer access limited.  Gotta love Apple though for completing an $1,800 repair job on a cracked screen (my carelessness; and here I always assumed it would be the boys) for $0.00.  Yay Apple!  And then there was the whole not-posting fiasco, but...

Hold on...

As I was writing about how hard it's been to find time to write I was interrupted by my oldest barging into the room asking me to unknot his Boba Fett belt.  That took a good 2 minutes.  I turned back to the keyboard when my youngest pushed past Boba Fett yelling, "I wan' peanut bubber pretzels, MOM!  I WAN' peanut BUBBER pretzels!!"  I dished out the requested pretzels (after asking for a polite "please") and should now have approximately 7 minutes to complete the following story which took place over 14 days ago.


So tonight I'm plugging away on the elliptical, the one where you also use your arms, when I become aware of the gorgeous girl next to me.  We are in front of a mirrored wall so it's inevitable I'll check her out and I'm impressed to see her machine is set on max resistance, but she's keeping pace with little ole me working out at half that (actually I believe my first thought was "holy f--k, are you kidding me?)  Now I really give her the once over, I mean, who is this woman?  I'm reassured to see she is, at least, red-faced and sweaty, but even so she's foxy--tall, thin, blonde, fantastic arms and shoulders--you know the type.  I feel like a short, flabby troll next to her.  But I crank up my resistance a few notches.

After a while, I sneak another peek.  Despite myself I'm kinda digging this chick who unknowingly inspired me.  No longer blinded by jealousy I view her more objectively.  She's beautiful, no doubt, but she's not perfect.  Her butt is on the flat side and there is not much going on up top either.  Suddenly, instead of feeling fat, I feel bootylicious.  I realize comparing us is like comparing a 1 and an 8; who is to say which is more aesthetically pleasing?  They are what they are.  She and I are both beautiful in our own ways.  So while my new friend robotically puffs aways next to me, I bop around, lip syncing my dorky heart out having a blast as confident and comfortable in my own skin as I've ever been.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bring It On, Motherf@$*%$s!

I'd rather burn out than never have pushed.

I'd rather hear "no" than never have asked.

I'd rather tone it down than never have amped it up.

Failure means you went for it.

Always go for it.
