I'm channeling Bruce Banner today.
I started my workout a (relatively) calm mom and I'm ending it a raging beast. Working out with young children around is incredibly challenging. Next to impossible, really. But then I'm all about accomplishing the impossible these days.
I just did bicep curls with 15lb free weights. I don't know about you, but I'm impressed. That's a lot for a non-sporty woman. The women in the video use 15-20lbs, but what impresses me is I started off last month lifting 8lbs. Granted, in this phase I'm doing less reps, but still, I'm considerably stronger. I used to think of the 10-20lb weights as hubby's since I solely used the 3lb and 5lb ones. I only ever lifted the heavier weights to move them out of the way and they seemed absurdly heavy, but now I'm working out with them. The 8lb weights miraculously turned into feathers overnight.
This is all wonderfully encouraging, but there is one drawback to lifting such heavy weights. It's hard! OMG, it's hard. So my adrenaline is pumping, I'm grunting and groaning, I'm maxing out lifting to failure and the boys are fighting and crying, trying to run between my legs, patting my butt and completely driving me insane
So here's how a good mother turns into a CPS case:
"Hey, guys, watch out. I'm lifting really heavy weights here and I don't want anyone to get hurt."
"Ok boys, seriously, this is heavy you need to give me some space."
"BOYS! I said I need space! I'm getting angry. You won't like me when I'm angry."
"HEY, Listen to me NOW!"
Hmm... reading that back I'm realizing that's the script for pretty much all my interactions with my kids.
Wow! I'm impressed about how much you are lifting in your workout--great job! You are going to have pretty impressive guns in no time! As for the kids, I'm with you, some days are harder than others. My kids like to lay on the couch and taunt me while I work out, "Mom, the lady in the video is not on her knees doing the push ups. I think you are doing it wrong."
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has those regular convos with her kids. lol
LOL, Beth.
Heather, misery loves company doesn't it? I can't hear enough stories about moms losing it. Makes me feel better about my own parenting.
I'm digging your blog, seriously funny :) And that cookie looks AMAZING! I would do a tri for that too. Keep up the good work!
Oh and speaking of bad mom stories, I broke our electric smooth stove top surface because I was frustrated with my kids and slammed down a pan while attempting to make dinner. Didn't realize that it was glass and would shatter. Now that's being a bad mom :)
Love it, Corey! Keep the stories coming!
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