And now I'm feeling some of that pressure myself. I mean I have followers for pete's sake* I've even noticed some names I don't recognize which is crazy cool. Your encouraging comments both public and private feed my commitment and my heart. Is that a corny thing to say? I don't care! It's true. Something profound is happening inside me. I can't quite put it into words at the moment, but you are playing a hand in it.
Gotta admit though, knowing people regularly read this blog is also kinda freaky. When I wrote my first post I was thinking "well, hubby has to read it, he legally obligated himself during our wedding vows." But I was skeptical anyone else would care. Truth be told, I'm not sure I'm clever enough to entertain for an extended time period. I should be. My entire family is clever (have you read my brother's blog?), even those not related to me by blood like my sisters-in-law and my husband are witty, but I don't know... I'm on the fence about my own pithiness. I think I might heckle myself if I were bold and impolite enough to be a heckler. So, again, thanks for supporting me, friends. One of the reasons I want to complete a triathlon is to push myself physically, see what I'm made of. Now I see pushing myself emotionally and creatively is equally important. Posting regularly as I have been is outside my comfort zone, but I'll definitely post at least once a week until the actual triathlon.
To infinity and beyond!
Sorry, it's just the coolest catch phrase ever.
Gotta admit though, knowing people regularly read this blog is also kinda freaky. When I wrote my first post I was thinking "well, hubby has to read it, he legally obligated himself during our wedding vows." But I was skeptical anyone else would care. Truth be told, I'm not sure I'm clever enough to entertain for an extended time period. I should be. My entire family is clever (have you read my brother's blog?), even those not related to me by blood like my sisters-in-law and my husband are witty, but I don't know... I'm on the fence about my own pithiness. I think I might heckle myself if I were bold and impolite enough to be a heckler. So, again, thanks for supporting me, friends. One of the reasons I want to complete a triathlon is to push myself physically, see what I'm made of. Now I see pushing myself emotionally and creatively is equally important. Posting regularly as I have been is outside my comfort zone, but I'll definitely post at least once a week until the actual triathlon.
To infinity and beyond!
Sorry, it's just the coolest catch phrase ever.
*Should "pete" be capitalized? Is he a real guy? Am I taking his name in vain? Sorry, Pete!
Hey! Just in case I'm one of the "who the heck is THAT?!" followers, I'm one of Beth's friends--we met a few times. I did a triathalon when I was pregnant with my first kiddo (and with my second, I ate lots of Ben and Jerry's...) so she forwarded me your blog url. Pretty funny! Keep it up...though I'm glad you spared us a pic of the black toenail. I've been running since 2nd grade and I've not had that happen. Congrats!
Let me get this straight, Book Mama. You completed a triathlon while you were pregnant and then you did it again? That is freakin' AWESOME! I'm not exaggerating to say if I could get out of bed by 11am when I was pregnant (both times) it was a good day.
I remember Beth mentioning you, but I thought you were a mythical creature like a mermaid. I'm honored you're following my journey. You can't see me, but I'm bowing down to you Wayne & Garth style.
Omg I so don't deserve the bowing down to... I found out I was preggo during the training, so during the actual tri I was AMUSINGLY slow on the bike because I was so worried about falling off. But I'm a runner, so I caught up to people. Oh, but I handed my goggles to my husband after the swim and some silly course dude came up and got in my face: "That's a two min penalty!" as if I was in an Ironman. Ha!
Like I said, though, my second pregnancy was completely opposite. I indulged in Ben & Jerry's regularly. And my second's name is Ben. Ha!
I'm still impressed. And I love the image of a cautious cycling preggo.
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