Follow along as I, an average citizen, train for my first ever triathlon.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Promise to My Followers

As a child I loved reading the comic pages (or "the funnies" as my dad adorably calls them), especially on Sundays, of course, when they were in color and 4(!) pages long.  Kid heaven.  I would spread them out on the table, pour a big bowl of Rice Crisp cereal (generic brands reigned supreme in our pantry) put a heaping tablespoon of sugar on top (my mom did her best, but I knew all the ways to make my meals as unhealthy as the junk she refused to buy--good for you, Mom!) and delight in the antics of Ziggy and Garfield.  (On a side note, I'd like to go on the record and state I have never liked Dennis the Menace.  Poor Mr. Wilson,  Mrs. Wilson still hasn't let him strangle that punk yet.)   And although I admired the cartoonists for their (sometimes) funny funnies,  I also pitied them.  Imagine having to come up with a joke every single day.  Wow.  It wouldn't surprise me to hear their suicide rate is right up there with dentists.

And now I'm feeling some of that pressure myself.  I mean I have followers for pete's sake*  I've even noticed some names I don't recognize which is crazy cool.  Your encouraging comments both public and private feed my commitment and my heart.  Is that a corny thing to say?  I don't care!  It's true.  Something profound is happening inside me.  I can't quite put it into words at the moment, but you are playing a hand in it.

Gotta admit though, knowing people regularly read this blog is also kinda freaky.  When I wrote my first post I was thinking "well, hubby has to read it, he legally obligated himself during our wedding vows."  But I was skeptical anyone else would care.  Truth be told, I'm not sure I'm clever enough to entertain for an extended time period.  I should be.  My entire family is clever (have you read my brother's blog?), even those not related to me by blood like my sisters-in-law and my husband are witty, but I don't know... I'm on the fence about my own pithiness.   I think I might heckle myself if I were bold and impolite enough to be a heckler.  So, again, thanks for supporting me, friends.  One of the reasons I want to complete a triathlon is to push myself physically, see what I'm made of.  Now I see pushing myself emotionally and creatively is equally important.  Posting regularly as I have been is outside my comfort zone, but I'll definitely post at least once a week until the actual triathlon.

To infinity and beyond!

Sorry, it's just the coolest catch phrase ever.   

*Should "pete" be capitalized?  Is he a real guy?  Am I taking his name in vain?  Sorry, Pete!



Book Mama said...

Hey! Just in case I'm one of the "who the heck is THAT?!" followers, I'm one of Beth's friends--we met a few times. I did a triathalon when I was pregnant with my first kiddo (and with my second, I ate lots of Ben and Jerry's...) so she forwarded me your blog url. Pretty funny! Keep it up...though I'm glad you spared us a pic of the black toenail. I've been running since 2nd grade and I've not had that happen. Congrats!

K Fuji said...

Let me get this straight, Book Mama. You completed a triathlon while you were pregnant and then you did it again? That is freakin' AWESOME! I'm not exaggerating to say if I could get out of bed by 11am when I was pregnant (both times) it was a good day.

I remember Beth mentioning you, but I thought you were a mythical creature like a mermaid. I'm honored you're following my journey. You can't see me, but I'm bowing down to you Wayne & Garth style.

Book Mama said...

Omg I so don't deserve the bowing down to... I found out I was preggo during the training, so during the actual tri I was AMUSINGLY slow on the bike because I was so worried about falling off. But I'm a runner, so I caught up to people. Oh, but I handed my goggles to my husband after the swim and some silly course dude came up and got in my face: "That's a two min penalty!" as if I was in an Ironman. Ha!
Like I said, though, my second pregnancy was completely opposite. I indulged in Ben & Jerry's regularly. And my second's name is Ben. Ha!

K Fuji said...

I'm still impressed. And I love the image of a cautious cycling preggo.