Follow along as I, an average citizen, train for my first ever triathlon.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Break Fast*

The fasting was a success.  I made it through and awoke this morning 4lbs lighter and feeling good. Hungry, but good.  I ate a chicken breakfast sausage, scrambled egg with a spoonful of homemade salsa, and a small apple as my first post-fast meal.  Delicious.  My stomach is grumbling a bit, but I'm hoping as the weeks go on and I continue to avoid gluten and sugar, things will calm down.

Today fall is in the air and the clock relentlessly ticks down the days to long-pants weather.  I'm guessing I still need to trim at least 10lbs to fit comfortably into what is already in my closet.  Although my GYN did confirm for me at my annual appointment it's likely I put on at least some muscle weight.  She thinks I appear healthier than this time last year and am "wearing the extra pounds well."  That's nice to hear, especially from a health professional.  Helps keep me focused on health over vanity.  So essential to do that, ladies.

Today I move on to phase 3 of  ChaLEAN Extreme.  I'm curious to see if it's even heavier weights or lighter weights and more reps or what?  I'll find out in about 45 minutes.  I'm letting my breakfast settle first.

Mmmm... breakfast

*Did you know that's where the word breakfast comes from?  You are breaking your fast from the night before hence "break fast."  Now where they got lunch and dinner from I have no idea.



Jaime said...

Every time I sat down to eat these last two days I thought of you and your fast. I am glad it went well. I am thinking I might need to do that as well. I might not have as much self control as you though. Good job!!

K Fuji said...

You can totally do it, Jai! The hardest part is finding a two day stretch where you don't have much going on. You could also do a 24 hour fast and then eat super low calorie (1000/day) for a week and get a similar metabolism boost.