Follow along as I, an average citizen, train for my first ever triathlon.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Tough Cookie

I'm getting calluses on my palms.

I can't decide if they are bitchin' or gross.  I must be leaning towards the latter since I bought lifting gloves.  Well, technically, they are "fitness gloves" according to the packaging.  I don't know there is a difference other than marketing terms.  I don't think I'll worry about hubby borrowing them:

Cute, right?

I'm amassing a shitload of equipment.  I own assorted weights, a resistance band and a toning bad (one is for arms, one is for legs), a plethora of DVDs, a yoga mat, running shoes, crosstrainers, 6 pairs of workout pants, 4 pairs of workout shorts, a bunch of sports bras, an iPod, an armband to hold my iPod, bottles of supplements and vitamins....  I could open my own gym.  And I still need a bike and everything that comes with that, a swimsuit for actual swimming, and a cap.  Geez.  Hey, honey, here's an answer to where all our money is going.  Who knew being fit meant I'd need an extra storage shed?

It's worth it though.  If you read this blog regularly you know I don't always feel that way, but most days I do.  Even if my pants are tight, there's no denying I'm in better shape than your average American.  Hm.  That sounds conceited.  I don't mean to brag.  But I'm doing it, you know?  It feels good just to say I'm doing it.  No excuses.

Several of you have told me you find this blog inspiring.  I hope so!  Even if just one of you makes one change towards a healthier, more active lifestyle, I can die knowing I made a difference in the world.  I don't want to die though.  Hear that, God?  Not yet, ok?  It's just a figure of speech. 

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