I got some fantastic news today. The Depends brand now makes adult diapers in peach. Whew. True, I'm not incontinent yet, but I did just turn 37 so it's nice to know there is now another color of adult diaper available. I hope they take a cue from infant diapers and make a denim version. I'd love to rock the Daisy Duke look.
Yeah, I'm finally feeling old. Of course age is a matter of perspective. I'm seven years older than my youngest brother and when I marveled to him a couple of days before my birthday I'd be turning thirty-seven, he patted me on the shoulder, looked me in the eye and said, "you've always been old to me, K." Gotta love brothers.
And I've let myself go the past year which is the biggest reason I'm feeling old. Middle-age spread and all that. Starting my new business last spring distracted me from fitness and then traveling quite a bit over the summer added some vacation weight. I suspect the anti-depressant I started taking after a bout with post-partum depression is making it extra hard for me to shake it. I've weaned myself to a half dose, but it helps me sleep and I'd rather be a fat, happy, well-rested person than the skinny, anxious, insomniac I was 2 years ago. (I'd be lying if I said I don't miss being a size 2 though.) But, don't worry, I'm ready to start focusing on my triathlon training again. I said I wouldn't let that goal slip away and I meant it. I intend to participate in a triathlon in August 2012.
So I'm making working out and fueling my body properly a priority. I'm not eating after 7pm, drastically reducing my daily sugar intake, and doing my damnest to work veggies or fruit into every meal. I'm also going to work out 5-6 days a week. My goal is to get my 5k time back to 9minute miles by Christmas and start swimming in January. I also want to start posting at least once a week again to keep me accountable.
Glad to see you back and focused!
That's great Kendra! Hey, we need to go out for our birthdays. Dancing burns tons of calories :)
When I told Dan last week that this is our 17th Thanksgiving together, his response was, "Wow, you still look pretty good for being old enough to say that!" Huh? So not only younger brothers can make the old lady comments. Although I will remind Dan he is one year older than me!
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