Holy hell, 13 miles is fa... as in "fa, a long, long way to run."
I was cocky after completing that 10k in September. What's another 7 miles, I thought? I've already run half of that, how hard can it be?
Turns out, pretty fucking hard.
Damn you, endorphins! You got me into this mess.
I finally got around to mapping out (not running, driving) 13 miles the other day and I wanted to cry when the odometer hit 6.5 and I realized how far away from my house I was. When it finally clicked over to 13 at the top of my street, I about had a panic attack. And I've only got 14 days more to train since I'm not going to run the two days before. On Monday I ran just over 7.5 miles. Today I did 10 miles on the elliptical. I'd like to run the entire distance at least twice before my race (and, yes, I'm already registered so if I back out now that's $65 down the drain), but that's hard to imagine right now.
Wish me luck.
Good luck! Is this the triathlon, or only running? You're still way better than me, though! I still can't run my entire 3 miles. I get bored after a mile or so and walk for a bit.
This is just running. Oh, I get bored after 3 miles too, Fortunately, boredom is a motivator to keep running so I get it over with faster.
I hope this went well. I used an elliptical machine to train for my last race and it helped a lot!
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