Follow along as I, an average citizen, train for my first ever triathlon.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Margaritas! Midriffs! Danger!

I bring my iPod to the Y so I watch a lot of closed captioned TV.  I recommend it.  The news is often frightening with the volume turned up, but it's HI-larious muted.

First of all, angry people look funny and there are a lot of angry people on CNN.  Secondly, the tickers and headlines--without any hard-hitting news (their words, not mine) to back them up--are knee-slappers.  Take, for instance, the title of this post.  Oh yes, I stole it word for word from a reputable news station (their words, not mine).  It's the first time I've ever knowingly plagiarized (although, I did graduate high school and college with honors so you do the math), but it's just the best damn title ever.  I didn't watch the story, but I think that for the best.

Next time the news is bumming you out turn off the sound, turn on the captions, turn up your iPod, and enjoy the show.


1 comment:

Elizabeth Murray said...

great post kendra! too bad that you didn't find out the hidden dangers of margaritas, will you wonder tonight when you are sipping one? I won't! That reminds me, we need more margarita mix.