Follow along as I, an average citizen, train for my first ever triathlon.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hot Mama

I went to my first-ever hot yoga class last night.  I've taken a few yoga classes here and there so I was familiar with some of the poses and concepts.  There are many types of yoga though and each one has it's own particularities.  Take the breathing for instance.  All 3 types of yoga I've practiced--hatha, kundalini, and Birkram--believe in cleansing breaths, but differ in their recommendations on how to take them.  At some points last night I thought perhaps I'd be better off completely ignorant.  Un-learning something is disorienting.  So is contorting your body in a room heated to 100+ degrees, full of half-naked strangers.

During the class the instructor encouraged, "avoid being critical of yourself.  This is the practice of yoga.  You do not have to do it perfectly."  Wow.  What a profoundly freeing thought especially if you apply that same concept to life in general; it's all practice, baby, so bring it on!

If you are thinking of trying hot yoga, go for it.  It is no-joke hot so eat light and hydrate yourself all day, bring twice as much water as you normally consume during a workout, and be prepared to soak-through-all-your-clothes-dripping-in-your-eyes sweat.  In the beginning it's relaxingly toasty.  In the middle it's refreshingly detoxifying.  Near the end it's uncomfortably intense, but then it's time for finishing poses and finally sweet, sweet shavasana.  Overall an enjoyable experience which is fortunate because I got a great deal on Groupon for ten 90-min sessions so that means I've paid for 9 more.  I'm thinking I'll go at least once a week this month so as to get in the groove.  Now I'll know what to expect, not just the practice, but also the logistics like where to park and where the best spots are (in the back by the windows).

Me after Bikram yoga.




Jaime said...

I LOVE hot yoga. I am so glad you tried it. I used up my 10 sessions in FW long ago but it was amazing I wish I could afford to go once a week but it is soooo expensive.

Dr. Auntie M said...

I have been wanting to try hot yoga.
It is so easy to get competitive, with other and with yourself, with yoga. The best instruction by a yogi was that part of the practice was to let go of my ego. I really liked that way of thinking of it, that part of yoga is learning to go at your own pace, to challenge yourself but not go too far.